For 40 years we have stood out for our customizable products and services and we have collaborated on the most important onshore and offshore pipeline projects with innovative and high performing induction heating systems.
Providing Pipeline Heating Solutions
In the early 90’s Parmaprogetti was part of the building of the major historic gas infrastructures in Italy. Since then, our equipment has been used in all major projects in the world: from North Stream, to Trans Malaysian Pipeline, to Zohr Project, from Baku Deepwater Factory, to Shaz Deniz, and more. We are proud to have taken part of the original set up of many of the most advanced pipelaying vessels, such Saipem’s Saipem7000, the first vessel with J-lay system, and Castorone, which we provided with our generators and a special supply of advanced automatic openable coils. More recently, we set up the Chinese vessel De-He, with 11 generators Delta50.